Increase your sales by targeting this group. And as you plan your neighborhood marketing efforts, look for inventive ways to reach out to this group of customers. Here are a few ideas to consider:
1) Develop relationships with successful REALTORS in your area. Encourage them to purchase a gift certificate from your place of business to give to the new homeowner as a gift.
2) Work on a program with a well-respected moving company. Provide the moving company with a gift certificate from your store so they can, in turn, give it to the new homeowner to welcome them to their new home.
3) Obtain a list of new homeowners from a list broker or list company. Mail a letter, gift certificate or special offer to homeowners who have just moved into the neighborhood.
4) Many parts of the country have Home Owners Associations. Try to find a HOA near you and find out if they publish a newsletter or some form of communication that goes to homeowners. If so, place an ad or insert a flyer into the newsletter. Another option is to inquire about new homeowner packets or folders. This may be an opportunity for you to include a gift certificate or offer.