Friday, October 27, 2006

What You Can Learn From Your Customers

Ever wonder how many times a month your customers visit you? Or why they decided to spend money with you and not a competitor? Or what they think about a new product you’re offering?

Why not just ask them?

There are a number of ways to talk with current customers to find out what they think about your business. Here are a few methods to consider:

1) Develop a survey, type it up, make copies and distribute to customers for two weeks. Your goal should be to get at least 200 responses. Make it quick and easy for them to fill out by providing no more than 15 questions with a few being open-ended (for them to write a short answer). The rest should be on a scoring system (for eg: 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest). Make sure you give an incentive for completed questions like a % off their next visit or make it drawing for free product and randomly pick a name at the end of the survey.

2) Technology-based survey companies are making it easy for businesses to conduct on-line surveys. Companies like Survey Monkey (see have made it so easy for marketers to find out more about their customers. All you have to do is design your survey on their site. Read through survey monkey’s site as there are a few options: one is free and the other option is about $20 a month – this option allows you to pull the final data and put into spreadsheet form with accompanying charts and graphs. Again, offer some type of incentive to customers for completing the survey. Put the survey link on a business size card and hand to customers or put it in their shopping bag so they can take the survey at their convenience.

3) Talk with customers in person. Many owners/operators are afraid they are “bothering” customers by asking them to spend a few minutes talking. But most consumers today want to be heard – want to share what they think about something.

I recently called a franchise handyman service and booked an appointment for some work to be done. This franchisee had an opportunity to market to me – at no cost! Yes, at no cost. It would have been so simple to call me the next day to ask if I was pleased with my service, how I found out about them, would I tell my friends about them, do I need additional work done, and what did I think about the price vs. the service I received. A quick two - minute phone call would be a great way to solidify an on-going relationship with their company. This company has my phone number and address and they’ve never made contact with me. What a missed opportunity. If you decide to talk with customers, speak with at least 5 customers a day for 5 days. Have a series of no more than 10 questions that you can ask in person. If you are not comfortable doing this, have a store manager or third-party person ask the questions and report back what they found.

Today’s smart marketer knows that the best way to learn about your business (and grow sales) is through dialogue with customers on an on-going basis.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Marketing Touches Every Part of Your Business

Marketing touches every aspect of your business. Here is a story from Mac Anderson, Founder and past President and CEO of Successories. During your next staff meeting, share it with your servers, hostess, back-of-the-house staff, manager, counter person and anyone who comes in contact with your customers on a daily basis.

By Mac Anderson

Over a century ago, William James, one of the founders of modern psychology, said "The greatest discovery of this generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitude."

Each day we wake up in the morning, we choose our clothes, we choose our breakfast
but, most importantly, we choose our attitudes. One of the most wonderful things about having a positive attitude is the number of people it touches, many times in ways you'll never know.

I told the story about going into a convenience store to get a newspaper and a pack a gum. The young women at the check-out counter said, "That 'll be five dollars please," and as
I reached into my wallet, the thought occurred to me that a newspaper and gum didn't
quite make it to five dollars. When I looked up to get a "re-quote", she had a big smile on her face and said, "Gotcha! I got to get my tip in there somehow!"

I laughed when I knew I'd been had. She then glanced down at the paper I was buying and said, "I'm sick and tired of all this negative stuff on the front pages. I want to read some good news for a change." She then said, "In fact, I think someone should just publish a Good News newspaper - a paper with wonderful, inspiring stories about people overcoming adversity and doing good things for others. I'd buy one everyday!"

She then thanked me for coming in and said, "Maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow; maybe we'll get some good news," and she laughed. She made my day.

The following day, after my business appointments, I dropped by the same store again
to pick up a bottled water, but a different young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out I said, "Good afternoon," and handed her my money for the water. She said nothing - not a word, not a smile...nothing. She just handed me my change and in a negative tone ordered...."Next!"

It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, same age; one made me feel great, and
the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced her by showing up.

By the choices we make, by the attitudes we exhibit, we are influencing lives every day .
in positive or negative ways...our family, our peers, our friends, and even strangers we've
never met before and will never meet again. So when you brush your teeth every morning, look in the mirror and ask yourself..."Are there things I'd like to change?" How will you choose to live your "the grouch" or as "the good news girl?"

Your answer will go a long way toward determining the joy and happiness that you will experience in your life.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Marketing = Future Sales

For anyone who is directly responsible for increasing sales or customer count, you know how frustrating it can be when you don’t see an immediate response.

If we step back and wear the hat of a consumer, it’s easy to see why we are frustrated. We are used to having everything happen at warped speed – e-mail, text messaging, cell phones, drive-thru lanes at a restaurant, ATM machines, and the list goes on and on. We experience instant gratification on a daily basis. So it’s easy to see why we get frustrated when sales don’t increase at the rate we are accustomed to.

That’s when I have to remind myself that marketing
equals future sales.
A cold call to a prospect may lead to new business presentation.
From there, it will lead to a proposal and then maybe
the potential client will want to do business with my company.
On average, it can take 3 months or longer to “seal the deal”.
In a fast-paced society, 3 months feels like eternity.

The seeds that we plant today will yield a crop in 3 months.

As you continue on your journey as an advocate of local store marketing, remember to have faith that your efforts today will yield sales in a few months. And continue to plant seeds each week and you will have a full crop all year long.

Keep at it – it will be worth it!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Finding A Mentor Will Help Shape Your Future

There’s a guy in a manhole and he yells up to a doctor walking by. “Hey, can you help down here?” And the doctor writes a prescription and throws it down the hole.”

A few minutes later, a priest walks by and the guy in the hole yells out, “Hey, can you help me down here?” So the priest writes a prayer and throws it down the hole.

The guy sees his friend walk by and he yells up, “Hey Joe! Can you help me?”

So Joe jumps down the hole.

The guy says, “What are you, stupid? Now we’re both down here?”
And Joe says, “That’s OK, I’ve been down here before and I know the way out.”

Morale of the story: Many have walked the path before you. Find a successful mentor and meet with them weekly, monthly or quarterly. A mentor can provide incredible insights and help you through the rocky times, and the abundant times, in business.
If you are already successful – give back by sharing your wisdom and advice with a young entrepreneur.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Under Your Nose

Let's face it - as marketers we've all done it. We've spent a large part of our marketing dollars on trying to capture the potential customer.

How many months or years have marketing budgets focused on the masses with mediums that target large numbers? The more people you get your message in front, of the more people that will come through your doors, right? Not necessarily so. Focusing on new customers is only part of the equation. The other part is building business through current customers. Your greatest earning potential could be right in front of you.

Here's a story to illustrate the point.

Last Friday night, a small group met at Anthem Country Club in Anthem, Arizona. Since it's May, the nights are still warm but not unbearable (it's a dry heat). The country club was not serving dinner or drinks on the patio since its (quote - unquote) summer. So we opted to sit outside anyway and enjoy the sunset -- with each of us taking turns to go inside for refills. The bartender and waitstaff never checked on us, never offered us dinner, and never mentioned that the kitchen was closing. Again, we knew they were not serving outside so our expectations were tempered -- but the country club restaurant and bar did not appear busy as the evening progressed. And we could see four or five servers standing in a group visiting with one another. Doesn't anyone want to make money here?

Little did the management the country club know, but friends in our group are considering a membership. The club is currently open to the public, but as soon as membership quotas are met, it will turn private. At $20,000 + dollars a year (for the membership fee only) how many people are going to consider this a good investment when they've been ignored by the waitstaff? A $100 night of bad service could cost this country club approximately $100,000 in membership fees over the next 5 years.

Restaurant operations, golf management, and club management should be working from the same page so every employee is aware of the club's sales goals.

Bottom line...Remember to take care of the people who are currently spending money with you. You don't have to spend money marketing to them -- they are already on their way to being loyal customers.

Oftentimes your best customers are right under your nose.

Monday, May 15, 2006

A Smart, Smart Company

Recently a friend of mine shared this story. I can't think of a better way to illustrate the philosophy of four-wall marketing. And it's a real testament to empowering your staff.

My husband and I stopped off at In and Out for a burger last week. As we sat in our clean little booth gobbling up our fries and "Animal style" cheeseburgers, I noticed a group of guys (all in their late 40's) walk in. Not only were they all dressed the same (tailored shorts, expensive golf shirts - your typical golf attire), but they also looked somewhat lost. So I assumed that they were from out of town. Anyway, my curiosity waned and I went back to eating.

Then the most amazing thing happened - at least I think so.

As we sat there, the group of men sat down and waited for their number to be called. And I overheard one of the guys saying to the others (to the effect), "Wow. It's been a long time since I've seen a menu like that. Talk about simple." At that, I gave a little internal chuckle thinking "yeah, I was right."

But, apparently, I wasn't the only one to overhear the statement. An In and Out employee (a girl about 17 years old) who was standing a few feet away, and in the middle of throwing out trash, also heard it. Immediately, she stopped what she was doing, smiled and went over to the table with the group of men. Then she said (again, to the effect), "It looks simple, but actually there's a lot of ways you can have your burger...there's "animal-style", which is grilled onions with extra pickles, the "3x3" - three patties, "protein" without the bun, and....." She went on to mention 6 or 7 different ways to have a burger." Which isn't what I think is the amazing thing - In and Out regulars already know this. What had me so impressed was the fact that here was a 17 year old girl who cared enough to go over to the table of a group of men and share some information about In and Out.

After I witnessed this event, I thought, "Wow, I'd never ever see that happen at any other fast food restaurant - ever." Caring, helpful employees who go the extra mile. Think about it, she didn't have to go over there. She would've still been a good employee if she kept to her business of cleaning up. Instead she went from employee to "saleswomen/evangelist" in a matter of seconds - and it was never scripted - it was real. So many fast food restaurants try to help their cashiers sell by giving them a script - which they painfully recite and customers instantly reject.

Anyway, it made me sit up and take notice. It speaks volumes for In and Out as a company -- a smart, smart company.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Get Moving On This Neighborhood Marketing Program

Every year, one fifth of all households in the United States move to a new residence. And as consumers move into their new home, they immediately begin to try to connect with their new surroundings like finding a new bank, seeking restaurants to frequent, where the local grocery store is located, and what utility company to call. During this move-in phase, movers are also establishing new loyalties and new purchasing patterns.

Increase your sales by targeting this group. And as you plan your neighborhood marketing efforts, look for inventive ways to reach out to this group of customers. Here are a few ideas to consider:

1) Develop relationships with successful REALTORS in your area. Encourage them to purchase a gift certificate from your place of business to give to the new homeowner as a gift.

2) Work on a program with a well-respected moving company. Provide the moving company with a gift certificate from your store so they can, in turn, give it to the new homeowner to welcome them to their new home.

3) Obtain a list of new homeowners from a list broker or list company. Mail a letter, gift certificate or special offer to homeowners who have just moved into the neighborhood.

4) Many parts of the country have Home Owners Associations. Try to find a HOA near you and find out if they publish a newsletter or some form of communication that goes to homeowners. If so, place an ad or insert a flyer into the newsletter. Another option is to inquire about new homeowner packets or folders. This may be an opportunity for you to include a gift certificate or offer.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Marketing From the Inside Out

On April 3, 2006, MSNBC ran an article entitled Biggest Customer Service Blunders Of All Time . The story serves as a reminder that marketing starts from the inside of a company. And that the employees on the frontline are critical to the success of an establishment.

Think about your own purchasing habits. Is there a restaurant that you frequent because the staff recognizes you each time you dine? Are you a loyal customer of a particular dry cleaner because you like the way the manager asks how you are and thanks you for being a loyal patron? Do you take your car to a certain service station because you trust them and always vacuum your car out before you pick it up?

When developing a marketing plan, don’t forget to include an employee marketing plan. Key components could include things like morale-building programs, reward-based initiatives, employee point-based programs and team recognition. Whatever programs you choose, be sure to execute year round.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"Hallmark" Holidays Can Make Your Registers Sing

Calendar Marketing is a strategy that every restaurant and retail owner should consider. This type of marketing is the art of turning annual observances into sales-building promotional events using calendar dates, holidays, events and special days, weeks and months. These ideas will bring an unexpected excitement to your current customer base and in many cases, it will allow you to build a relationship with a neighboring retailer or group giving you access to their customer base which could be potential new customers for you. The biggest benefit to Calendar Marketing is that it allows you to connect with customers and potential customers on an emotion level and in some cases, your restaurant can be a part of family’s annual traditions.

Last week, a colleague went to Jack in the Box for lunch. On his tray, the liner read: Jack’s Cash Card Great For Gift Giving. Below the headline, the liner was sprinkled with at least 50 occasions for giving a Jack Cash card as a gift. As local store marketing idea generators, we love to see this type of promotion inside the store. Especially because they are giving loyal customers usage ideas for the Jack Cash Card, thus generating sales from gift cards all year long – not just at holiday time. But there was one small mistake – the observance date was not listed with the holiday. For example, the liner listed holidays like Best Friend’s Day, Receptionists Day and National Nurses Day. What if you wanted to actually buy your friend a Jack Card and give it to her on Best Friend Day? Unless you take the time to do a little research or google the holiday, you’ll never know when it occurs. And it’s on a tray liner, so after lunch it will go in the trash and the customer won’t think any more about it.
The bottom line is that as marketers we need to make it easy for customers to spend money. And keep messages and information simple. In the words of psychologist Arnold H. Glasgow, “Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Coffee Giant Takes It To The Streets

On March 15, Starbucks stores around the country treated Americans to a free cup of coffee – deeming it the first-ever National Coffee Break. The company estimated that they would give some 500,000 cups of free coffee during a two-hour window. Since the actual results of this promotion have not been reported, we don’t know if it was a positive experience for existing customers, grabbed the attention on non-users or was a total flop.

But what I do know is that it was a success in terms of local store marketing. For the first time ever, the coffee giant participated in a grass-roots program intended to tug at the heart strings of loyal users – making those people that more loyal. The company also used the Coffee Break to cross sell in-home/in-office brewing merchandise. The sales strategy encompassed an Annual Brewing Sale to showcase grinders, coffee makers, coffee accessories and more. Again, a brilliant way to cross sell/upsell customers and ultimately increasing the overall ticket average that day.

Whether Starbucks is a part of your weekly ritual or not, you’ve got to hand it to them for stepping up and embracing neighborhood marketing. From the job postings on their website, it looks like they are gearing up to not only be the leader in coffee sales, but in grass roots programs as well. Only the future will tell.

Monday, March 13, 2006

A Good Sampling Program Gone Wrong

Many retail companies are executing sampling programs inside the store. As we know, sampling new products to existing customers can be a highly effective sales tool for increasing knowledge of new products, cross selling and ultimately increasing ticket average.

But what happens when a perfectly good sampling program goes wrong?

Recently, I was shopping with a friend who is an avid, if not fanatical, customer of a well-known health and beauty chain. She wanted to stop in to pick up a few items, a quick stop that seemed harmless. After years of shopping with my dear friend, I should’ve known that an innocent “drop” into the store, typically ends up being a 30-minute visit filled with sampling new products and listening to sales pitches on the latest fountain-of-youth remedy. But this trip was a little different. This time, I found myself listening to the sales pitch on the newest line of products. The salesperson told us about the popularity of the line, how he has personally experienced results and that a sample would change our lives. Since my friend is the loyal customer, the salesperson built an instant bond with her – mostly making eye contact with her, leaving me to feel like an appendage rather than a potential customer. As my friend is getting slathered in mushroom-infused topical cream and listening to benefits, I think to myself how I would like to try some too. But to no avail. The salesperson never looks at me and tell me about the new line. And never offers me a sample of the mushroom-infused product.
While I could have requested to give it a try, I was curious to see if he would try to turn me into a believer. That salesperson lost out on an extra $150 in a five-minute period. I was all ready to plunk out my credit card and by the cream and oil. After all, I am in search of the fountain-of-youth too. But since I am not a loyal customer, or even an occasional customer of this chain, I was treated like an outsider. While in the store, they could’ve converted me making me a raving fan. This was an unfortunate missed opportunity. One that can never be reversed.This chain was doing everything right by sampling product, giving key beauty benefits, and making my friend feel good about her purchasing decision. But this is a case of a good sampling program gone wrong. And how many times does this happen at beauty counters, restaurants, clothing stores, and candy shops all around the country every day, hour and minute. Just because one person in a party is a raving fan does not mean that the others in the group should be ignored. In fact, this is a great time to initiate a relationship with potential new customers.

As marketers, we've got to keep our eye on the loyal customer and initiate a relationship with potential customers.