April is International Customer Loyalty Month. Consider the following tactics:
- Honor your customers hosting specials this month and communicate this through Twitter, Constant Contact or your company Face Book page.
- Personally get to know customers. Ask them, "would you like to see us doing.?" Be prepared to act on some of the suggestions to your customers know you are listening. Don't be afraid to personally call or talk with your customers. Their insights are invaluable.
- Host a customer appreciation week with added value offers and special promotions
April is Physical Awareness Month.
- Implement a cross promotion with a gym, fitness center or yoga studio. Create a card or flyer with menu items that are healthful and ask the gym to give them to members. Include a special offer just for their gym - members can show their membership card and receive this special offer during April only.
- In return, allow the fitness center to have cards or flyers at your restaurant or business.
- Team up with a nutritionist - have your chef and nutritionist offer a healthful cooking class one night at your restaurant.
April is Stress Awareness Month.
- Have fun with this one. Relieve stress at (insert your restaurant here). Attend a stress free happy hour. Promote your happy hour events in house, Twitter it, put it on your Face Book page, and send out to your database and ask them to forward it to their friends.
Have fun this month. And we'll keep the ideas coming.
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