Monday, April 10, 2006

Marketing From the Inside Out

On April 3, 2006, MSNBC ran an article entitled Biggest Customer Service Blunders Of All Time . The story serves as a reminder that marketing starts from the inside of a company. And that the employees on the frontline are critical to the success of an establishment.

Think about your own purchasing habits. Is there a restaurant that you frequent because the staff recognizes you each time you dine? Are you a loyal customer of a particular dry cleaner because you like the way the manager asks how you are and thanks you for being a loyal patron? Do you take your car to a certain service station because you trust them and always vacuum your car out before you pick it up?

When developing a marketing plan, don’t forget to include an employee marketing plan. Key components could include things like morale-building programs, reward-based initiatives, employee point-based programs and team recognition. Whatever programs you choose, be sure to execute year round.

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