Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Part of your marketing mix should include community outreach

In addition to social media, face-to-face marketing should still be part of new client acquisition. Here are some ideas to leverage National Bike Month (every May) for businesses that target fitness-friendly consumers.

  1. Work with your local police department on bicycle safety. Invite the department to host a workshop for families at your business. Pre-promote via your Face book page, e-mail database, in-store, through your community newspaper, etc.

  2. Co-partner wtih a local bicycle shop and bicycle associations on celebrating the month. Offer customers of the bike shop and members of the organization a discount at your place of business for the entire month.

  3. Co-partner with a local bike shop to give away a bicycle at your business. Have customers register all month long and do a random drawing to award one person. Ask the bike shop to put posters up in-store and e-mail their database to promote the drawing at your business.

Overall, make it month of fun and fitness if it makes sense for your brand.

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